
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Basics of Taxation and How a Tax Planning Lawyer Can Help

With all the different types of tax, it's no wonder people would regularly consult with a tax planning lawyer to help them strategize how to minimize their tax liability. In Canada, taxes, tariffs, and duties are collected by different levels of government to fund their programs and services. The three levels of taxation include Federal, Provincial/Territorial and Municipal. Understanding the differences and which types apply to you as a regular working citizen or as a business owner is very important. This is where tax management and strategizing becomes truly helpful in terms of making things easier and complying with provisions of tax laws and its allied rules. The most common type of tax is the income tax which is derived from a person's salary or from the revenue of a specific business. Most of us are familiar with this type and in most cases, a corporation will withhold an employee's income tax to ensure it is filed regularly. Another type is the consumer and excise t

Personal Protective Equipment in Hazardous Spills Cleanup

  Personal protective equipment in hazardous spills cleanup can literally be the difference between life and death.  Employee training in this area is imperative to having a safe workplace. Whatever your level of responsibility in a hazardous spill emergency having an extensive knowledge of the proper use and need for personal protective equipment is critical. Personal protective equipment can save lives and injury and allow employees to properly contain and clean up during a hazardous spill situation. Personal protective equipment is anything you wear to prevent exposure to a hazardous substance. Whenever you come in contact with a  PPE Canada  spill personal protective equipment needs to be used. Personal protective equipment can be as simple as a pair of gloves or as complex as a fully-encapsulating,  chemical-protective suit. The equipment is grouped into four levels... A, B, C and D based on how much protection the equipment provides. Level D is the least level of protection and

Managing Your Time While Playing Online Games

 If you're a gamer, you understand how easy it is to lose track of time while you're playing cool games online. Time really starts flying when you really get into a great game, it happens to everyone. The problem only arises when you let time fly by so fast that your work, studies, social or love life start to suffer because of it. Video game addiction is actually a recognized addition that people actually seek treatment for today. Of course, this can be avoided. Simple use of time management you can enjoy you're online recreational gaming time and keep up with life at the same time. Someone once said "All good things in moderation", and this applies almost especially to playing awesome online games. You can't skip work or school, so what winds up suffering is your sleep. Over time you can develop forced insomnia, and your work and/or school can suffer anyway. The only real secret to getting to enjoy the games you love without making the rest of your life suff